Our Staff

Our staff team are dedicated to keeping Phoenix Protocol a safe and enjoyable place for all of the community.

They enforce the rules on everyone and they are more than happy to respond to any queries you may have about the server and how to play!

Staff are handpicked by our Board of Directors.
No applications available nor asking to become one


City Regulations

To enjoy being on our city, follow the regulations to get out of trouble

On Phoenix Protocol, we expect players to roleplay but we are relaxed on our rule enforcement to ensure all players have the best experience on our server! Staff will enforce our relaxed rules and in many cases give players many chances before they are kicked or banned. Staff are also held up to a high standard to make sure they are respectful to the community and the players online.



Not mandatory, but it helps to improve our city

The server has high upkeep costs after considering the price for the server, EUP, server upvotes, vehicles and scripts, therefore we rely on donations from the community to help us keep the server running. Below is a link to the donate page, 100% of donations go back into the development and upkeep of the server! If you wish to donate press the button below, everything counts!
We thank anyone who has donated : )


Our departments

To join and be part of one of them - join our Discord and follow the path from Self-role channel to department application page


Paleto Bay Police Department - Law enforcement department running on Paleto Bay, known for having experienced officers dealing with wildlife calls, so they can be called in for help by any other departments.


Los Santos County Sheriff's Office - Law enforcement department running state wide, known of running Division of Training and Review, that can be called in for any of departments.


Los Santos Police Department - Law enforcement department that is patroling and keeping city safe, known for handling gang and drug scenes - so any other department can call them in for help.


San Andreas Highway Patrol - Law enforcement department that is mostly located on highways, can be called for help in high speed chases, transport inspections and DUI checkpoint handling.


San Andreas Medical Services is supportive department that works standalone and helps law enforcement departments, this department focuses solely on the medical situations throughout San Andreas.

SADOT and Coroner

SADOT running as a department that helps with tow and maintance around the state.
Coroner is open for everyone that been long enough in our community and received Verified role on discord


Players use the discord server to talk to other players, join one of our active departments, talk to staff and report bugs found in the game. The discord server is also used for RTO and chat so players can better communicate with each other!