
In order to ensure that the game is fun for everyone, all players are expected to behave in a reasonable and respectful manner. The administration reserves the right to stop destructive behaviour in the game. Our rules are as the follows:

Laws of City

  • (1)01. Illegal Discharge of a Firearm (NO Random Shooting) [M-B] You may not shoot randomly in any area of the state without a valid roleplay reason.
  • (1)02. Assault With A Deadly Weapon (NO Killing Locals) [M-A] You may not kill any NPC by using guns, vehicles, or any other means without a valid roleplay reason.
  • (1)03. Reckless Driving (NO GTA Driving) [M-B] You may not drive in any way that is not realistic. That includes driving in the opposite lane of travel, hitting other vehicles, breaking server speed regulations, etc.
  • (2)01. Disorderly Conduct (NO Trolling/NITRP/Engaging with Griefers) [M-A] You must be actively roleplaying as a first responder when you are on the server. Trolling, disregarding roleplay, or engaging with trollers will not be tolerated.
  • (2)02. Criminal Anarchy (NO CivRP, LifeRP, JobRP, AnimalRP) [M-B] You may not roleplay as anything else than a first responder when you are in the city.
  • (2)03. Impersonating a First Responder (NO Underage/Immaturity) [F-B] You may not participate in the community if you are immature or under an appropriate age to be in this community.
  • (2)04. Neglect or Refusal to Communicate (Microphone Needed/English through all channels) [M-B] You must have a working microphone at all times while on the server. Additionally, you may only communicate in English in any public setting, this includes all voice and chat means.
  • (2)05. Possession of a Fake ID (NO Famous/Political/Non-RP Appropriate Name) [M-B] It is unlawful for any person to use a Trademark/Copyrighted or political name within the State.
  • (3)01. Assault (NO Racism, Bullying, CyberStalking, Harassment) [F-A] You must respect the members of this community. Any type of racism, bullying, cyberstalking, or harassment will not be tolerated.
  • (3)02. Battery to First Responders (NO Hurting other First Responders) [F-D] You must avoid damaging other members of your community through firearms, melee weapons, vehicles, and any other means.
  • (3)03. Homicide (NO RDM, VDM) [F-C] You may not kill other members of the community through the use of firearms, melee weapons, vehicles, and any other means. RDM and VDM will not be tolerated.
  • (4)01. Terrorism (NO Modding/Hacking) [F-A] You may not use any mods or hacking tools that will affect negatively the experience of our members. Using these tools will result in the highest of punishments.
  • (4)02. Treason (NO Advertising of other servers) [F-A] You may not advertise any other servers or communities to any member of Phoenix Protocol through any means of communication. This includes in-game conversations, text, discord messages, and discord private messages.
  • (4)03. Impersonating Staff or Administration (NO Fake Staff/Admin) [F-B] You may not pretend to be a Staff member or a member of the Administration of Phoenix Protocol.
  • (4)04. Fleeing and Eluding a Staff Member (NO Running Away from Green Lights) [M-A] You must stop and interact with Staff when a Staff Member is after you with their Green Lights on. Green lights will pause all roleplay until instructed otherwise by Staff handling the scene.
  • (4)05. Obstruction of Justice (NO Disturbing Admin/Developers) [M-A] You may not disturb any Game Administrator, member of the Board of Directors, or Developers while they are in the game. You may not get in their vehicles, you may not initiate an unwanted conversation, and you may not interrupt their duties.
  • (5)01. Unlawful Possession of a Firearm (MUST use Proper Equipment) [M-A] You must use equipment appropriate for your active role in the city. If you are performing as a Law Enforcement Officer, you must have your regulatory weapons obtained through the F11 menu. If you are performing as a Support Department, you MAY NOT have any firearms, taser, or other equipment that is exclusive to Law Enforcement.
  • (5)02. Failure to Comply with Chain of Command (NO Ignoring CoC) [F-D] You must follow the instructions provided by the Chain of Command of the department you belong to. You may not skip the Chain of Command by attempting to communicate directly to high-ranking officers without a legitimate reason.
  • (5)03. Badge Transparency Act (MUST have Agency and Callsign on License Plate) [M-B] You must have your department and callsign displayed on your license plate in all of the vehicles that you operate on the server.
  • (5)04. Illegal Modification of Agency-Issued Vehicles (Keep Cars Realistic) [M-B] You must keep your vehicle realistic. Unrealistic modifications or modifications that break the roleplay immersion are forbidden.
Every situation is reviewed case by case, that way if something is caught cross platform or being repetitive, the punishment may differ
Not knowing the rules are not the excuse, as it's stated to read them on arrival to our city

Laws of Discord

  • D-#1 Use intended channels for it's purpose, anything non-related should be discuss in Hallway channel.
  • D-#2 Refrain from using languages other than English.
  • D-#3 Nicknames must be able to be mentioned. Homoglyphs, Zalgo and use of multiple scripts are prohibited.
  • D-#4 No abuse, self-promotion, Discord server invite links or codes.
  • D-#5 Be respectful, civil, and welcoming to others. others.
  • D-#6 Do not record voice channel conversations.
  • D-#7 Do not discuss hacking or cheating.
  • D-#8 Refrain from discussing any politically charged or inflammatory topics.
  • D-#9 Do not send online meeting links.
  • D-#10 Do not impersonate others, including public figures.
  • D-#11 Creating sub servers and/or joining sub servers with the intent of moving our members with the goal of self-benefit is not allowed.
  • D-#12 No advertising Discord servers, other programs, websites, or services
  • D-#13 NSFW or objectionable content of any kind is strictly prohibited. If you are unsure if it is NSFW, you shouldn't post it.
  • D-#14 Uphold mature conversations and respect each other; excessive profanity, hate speech or any kind of harassment will not be tolerated.
  • D-#15 Spamming, toxicity or aggressive behavior will not be tolerated
  • D-#16 These rules may vary any time. Moderators reserve the right to warn and ban users discretionally.
  • D-#17 Do not message any other members unless mutually agreed upon.
  • D-#18 Mods and admins decisions are final and are not to be argued with.
Our City embraces the organic essence of urban life. We envision a community where everyone feels at home. To maintain the integrity of this vision, any attempt to poach our City members will lead to removal from both the City and our Community.
The most important rule of all is to have fun and enjoy the immersion that our city of Phoenix Protocol offers as well as it's e-mail services (Discord)
Also bear in mind that Discord Terms of Service , Discord Community Guidlines also applies additional to all above mentioned laws that has been set by Phoenix Protocol Government